1.In which country was the mummy found?
a) India
b) Mongolia
c) Ethiopia
d) Bolivia
2.What do some people say the mummy proves?
a) snowboarding boots are very old
b) people were alive 2,600 years ago
c) mummies are better than daddies
d) that time travel exists
3.How old do researchers think the mummy is?
a) around 1,500 years old
b) 2,600 years old
c) 286 years old
d) ten thousand years old
4.What kind of boots do the mummy's boots look like?
a) high heel boots
b) leather boots
c) snowboarding boots
d) soccer boots
5.What kind of human are people saying travelled back in time?
a) a kind one
b) a modern human
c) Mongolians
d) rich people
6.When was the mummy's grave first found?
a) 2008
b) 2009
c) 2010
d) 2011
7.What kind of saddles did the archaeologists find?
a) camel's saddles
b) donkey's saddles
c) goat's saddles
d) horse's saddles
8.When did the Turkic people first start living in Central Asia?
a) around 2,600 years ago
b) 1966
c) 10,000 years ago
d) 1,000 years ago
9.What did the Turkic people have that was unique?
a) an alphabet
b) a mummy
c) a time travel machine
d) a clay vase
10.What colour was important in Turkic culture?
a) black
b) blue
c) gold
d) red