1.liberal 自由的;开明的
liberal theories
2.play an important role 起到重要作用
It is true that in economic activities advertisements play an important role.
广告在经济活动中,确实扮演了重要角色 。
3.get into trouble 使自己或他人陷入困扰之境
He had too much time on his hands and that caused him to get into trouble
他手头时间太富裕了,反倒为他惹来了麻烦 。
4.temporarily 暂时地
The peace agreement has at least temporarily halted the civil war...
该和平协定至少暂时停止了内战 。
5.suggestive 暗示的
She was singing a very suggestive song.
她唱了一个很有暗示意味的歌曲 。
6.influence 影响
He is trying to improperly influence a witness.
他正试图不适当地影响一名证人 。