1.A growing number of 越来越多
The majority of actuaries work within the insurance industry, although a growing number of actuaries work in other fields.
大多数的精算师在保险行业工作,在其他领域发挥特长的精算师也越来越多了 。
2.foreign policy 外交政策
They have revamped their foreign policy.
他们修改了外交政策 。
3.once again 再一次
Once again he was disappointed in love.
他又一次失恋了 。
4.called back 回叫
"One guy called back the next day and said he thought the self-knowledge really helped," she says.
有一位参与者实验后第二天打就打电话给我,说这种自我意识是很有帮助的 。