1. no longer 不再;已不;
The construction industry is no longer as depressed as it was.
建筑业不再像以往那样萧条了 。
2. a variety of 各式各样;多种多样;
We spend the time collating and presenting the information in a variety of chart forms.
我们花费时间用各种各样的图表来比照和展示这些信息 。
3. interact with 相互影响;相互作用;
Perfume interacts with the skin's natural chemicals.
香水和皮肤的天然化学物质相互作用 。
4. average out (将…)平均为;
There are six glasses of wine in one bottle, which averages out to 50p a glass.
一瓶酒可以分6杯,平均一杯50便士 。
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