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CRI News Report:京东、美团等三家企业获无人配送车上路许可 拜登普京6月"相约"日内瓦

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Officials say China is expected to see a bumper summer grain harvest this year thanks to increasing crop yields.
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Tang Renjian says more than half of the wheat in the southwest part of China has been harvested, posting an increasing trend.
Tang says the crops in the alluvial plains along the Yellow, Huaihe and Haihe rivers also grew better than last year.
The Minister says over 600-thousand combine harvesters will be deployed to harvest the wheat this year.
Three companies have been granted permits to run unmanned delivery vehicles on designated open roads in Beijing.
The permits were issued to e-commerce giant JD. com, online service company Meituan, and autonomous driving vehicle producer Neolix.
The vehicles will operate in the autonomous driving demonstration area known as E-Town in Daxing District.
Officials say they will be used for express deliveries, catering and retail businesses in the demonstration area.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended a celebration activity in Beijing yesterday, marking the 58th Africa Day.
It commemorates the founding of the Organization of African Unity in 1963.
Addressing diplomats from African countries who attended the event, Wang said this is a festival that China and Africa jointly celebrate.
"Strengthening cooperation with African countries will always be China's diplomatic priority. Both sides support each other on issues of core interests, from the fights for national independence to upholding national dignity. China wants to push bilateral cooperation to a higher quality in areas such as climate change, the digital economy, and human resources."
In 2020, China's direct investment was almost 3 billion U.S. dollars in Africa, covering 47 African countries.
Meanwhile, the amount of newly signed contracts in Africa increased by over 20 percent year-on-year, reaching 68 billion U.S. dollars.
The US-China Business Council says US exports to China have benefited nearly all states and industries across America.
Data released by the council shows that U.S. exports to China grew by about 18 percent year-on-year to over 123 billion US dollars in 2020.
China became the United States' third largest market for exports of goods last year, and was among the top five destinations for goods from 45 U.S. states.
The council says 35 states saw growth in exports to China and nine gained more than one billion US dollars in growth of export value.
Meantime, the council says American companies still regard the Chinese market as important, with 16-hundred enterprises setting up operations in China last year.
U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin are to hold their first summit on June 16 in Geneva.
The White House said the two leaders will discuss a full range of pressing issues as they seek to restore predictability and stability to the US-Russia relationship.
The Kremlin also confirmed the planned meeting in a separate statement released on Tuesday.
The meeting will be Biden's first in-person meeting as president with Putin.
Major ports on India's east coast are on guard against an incoming storm.
Cyclone Yaas is predicted to make landfall this afternoon, bringing heavy rainfall.
Authorities in West Bengal and Odisha have evacuated people from low-lying areas.
An advisory has been issued to shipping companies and operators to ensure they take necessary protective measures for vessels in the area.
The government has also issued an action plan to suspend railway and road movement in the port area.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
vehicle ['vi:ikl]


n. 车辆,交通工具,手段,工具,传播媒介

delivery [di'livəri]


n. 递送,交付,分娩

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

cooperation [kəu.ɔpə'reiʃən]


n. 合作,协作

core [kɔ:]


n. 果心,核心,要点
vt. 挖去果核

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

cyclone ['saikləun]


n. 旋风,飓风,气旋,旋风分离器

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

trend [trend]


n. 趋势,倾向,方位
vi. 倾向,转向

covering ['kʌvəriŋ]


n. 覆盖物,遮避物 adj. 掩护的,掩盖的





