AmbitionI guess Mr. Goldwater figures why should the lazy loafers be supported by people like him who have had the ambition and intelligence to inherit a department store.我猜想Goldwater先生在想为什么
AmazeThere’s a small boy whose duty it is to forget to bring the newspaper every day. He’s amazingly reliable, so I generally go fetch it myself.有个小男孩,他的责任是每天忘记送报纸。他是令人惊奇地
AlphabetTeacher: Jeremy, please use “I” in a sentence.Jeremy: I is ---Teacher: Don’t say “I is.” Say “I am”.Jeremy: Okay. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.老师:Jeremy, 请用“I”造个句。J
AllowanceA teenager sent his girl friend his first orchid[兰花] with this note: “With all my love and most of my allowance.一个十几岁的男孩子第一次给他的女朋友送兰花,附着一张纸条:“带着我所有的爱和
AlarmWhat we didn’t have but obviously needed was an alarmist.我们都不是大惊小怪的人,但我们明显需要一位。注:班上比较沉闷,老师这么说。Mother: Doctor, you’ve got help my son. He thinks he’s a smo
AirlineAirline VirusYou're in Dallas, but your luggage is in Singapore.飞机航线病毒:你在达拉斯,可你的行李在新加坡。注:航空公司管理混乱,象染了病毒一样。Airline Pilot (to passengers): Folks, I’ve