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2014年12月英语六级听力真题 第1套(MP3+试题+答案+原文+解析)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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M: Before we play again, I’m going to buy a good tennis racket.

W: Your shoes aren’t in a very good shape either.

Q: What does the woman mean?


M: Barbara, I’d like you could assist me in the lab demonstration. But aren’t you supposed to go to Dr. Smith’s lecture today?

W: I ask Cathy to take notes for me.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


W: Steve invited me to the dinner party on Sunday evening. Have you received your invitation yet?

M: Yes, he found me this morning and told me he wanted all his old classmates to come to the reunion.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


W: I’m afraid I’m a little bit seasick. I feel dizzy.

M: Close your eyes and relax. You’ll be all right as soon as we come at shore.

Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?


W: I wonder what’s happened to our train. It should have been here twenty minutes ago according to the timetable. But it’s already 9:30.

M: There’s no need to get nervous. The announcement says it’s forty minutes late.

Q: When is the train arriving?


M: John is handsome and wealthy. Believe it or not, he is still a bachelor.

W: He is a notorious guy in many girls’ eyes. I’m sick of hearing his name.

Q: What does the woman mean?


M: Cars had lined up bumper to bumper. And I’ve been held up on the express way for the entire hour.

W: Really? It must be a pain in the neck. But be patient, anyway, you can do nothing but wait.

Q: What do we learn about the man?


W: Yesterday I was surprised to see Mary using that washing machine you’re going to throw away.

M: Yes, it’s quite old and in a very poor condition. Frankly speaking, that she got it working amazes me a lot.

Q: What does the man imply about Mary?

长对话 Conversation 1

M: A recent case I heard was of a man accused and found guilty of breaking into a house and stealing some money.

W: Well, was he really guilty, judge?

M: He admitted that he’d done it, and there were several witnesses saying that he had indeed done it. So I can only assume that he was guilty.

W: Why did he do it?

M: Well, the reasons were little muddied, probably at least it seemed in a trial that he did it to get some money to feed his family. You see, he’d been out of work for some time.

W: Well, he’d been out of work and he chose to break into a house to get money for his family and apparently in front of people that, err... could see him do it.

M: His attorney presented testimony that he had indeed applied for jobs and was listed with several employment agencies, including the state employment agency, but they weren’t any jobs.

W: And he had no luck!

M: He had no luck and it’d been some time. He had two children and both of them were needing food and clothing.

W: So he was in desperate circumstances. Did you sentence him?

M: Yes.

W: But what good does it do to put the man into jail when he’s obviously in such need?

M: This particular fellow has been in prison before.

W: For the same thing?

M: No, for a different sort of crime.

W: Huh?

M: But he did know about crime, so I suppose there are folks that just have to go back to prison several times.

9. What did the judge say about the case he recently heard?

10. What do we learn about the man at the time of crime?

11. What did the judge say about the accused?

长对话 Conversation 2





