[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:人生的蝴蝶效应
Butterfly Effect 蝴蝶效应,是美国气象学家洛伦兹(Lorenz)在上世纪60年代提出的理论:一只蝴蝶在巴西扇动翅膀,有可能会在美国德克萨斯州引起一场龙卷风。喻指即使一个微不足道的举动,稍不留意也会造成巨大的2012-03-15 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读理解答题思路
根据《大学英语教学大纲》的规定,CET6中的阅读理解部分主要测试四个方面,九个层次,具体表现为6种题型。①主旨题(包括大意);②细节题(包括事实);③词义题(包括词汇和短语);④逻辑题(包括句或句群);⑤推理2012-03-15 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:心胸宽阔
My best friend Larry is exceptionally small. We're in the fifth grade, but Larry is as short as a first grader. Although his body is small, Larry is big at heart. He has a sharp mind, too. All th2012-03-14 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:朋友也能租赁,你相信吗?
如今,食品、饮料、物品快递上门已经不是什么新鲜事了。但京城如今却涌现出各式各样、千奇百怪的快递服务。下面让我们来看看这些针对宅人一族的,让人欢喜让人忧的上门服务。 Rent-A-Friend朋友租赁 Everyone2012-03-13 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 六级阅读:日本核事故灾区或几十年内无法居住
Areas surrounding Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant could remain uninhabitable for decades due to high radiation, the government warned on Saturday as it struggles to clean up after th2012-03-12 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:科学证实人有第六感
It has long been known as ESP, Spider Sense, or the ability to see things before they happen.[qh]一直以来,第六感也被称为超感知觉、蜘蛛感应,也就是预知未来事物的能力。[qh]But now scientists have prov2012-03-09 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 《哈利·波特》中的十五条人生哲理(双语)
1. Everyone has a gift, even the person you think is a total bum. Look at what Harry’s aunt and uncle ended up discovering about him![qh]每个人都有天赋,甚至是那些你认为非常吊儿郎当的人。看看哈2012-03-08 编辑:Dsiay 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:开心生活,停止抱怨
If we really want to be happy, why do we act like such babies?[qh] 如果我们想要变得高兴,为什么要像小孩子那样呢?[qh] We can claim to be proactive in our life by settings goals and going after2012-03-07 编辑:Daisy 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 34条绝妙广告语(双语)
简洁,双关,幽默,个性,精彩的翻译。带你一起欣赏34条绝妙的广告语~一起看看这些国际巨头都是怎样定义自己的吧!小广告,大文化。1. From sharp minds, come sharp products.来自智慧的结晶 。(夏普)2. Tide&rs2012-03-06 编辑:Daisy 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:成长不设限,活出你梦想!(双语)
Unlimited Growth: Live your Dream Life!Did you know that the only limits on your success are in your own imagination? We limit ourselves too often without even realizing it. Discover the strategies t2012-03-05 编辑:Daisy 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012年英语六级阅读:大学毕业前还没恋爱?
Woman who haven’t fallen in love beforegraduation[qh]大学毕业前还没谈过恋爱的女人[qh]Here "love" refers to interaction more than three months ratherthan a very short period of the lightning rom2012-03-02 编辑:Daisy 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012英语六级阅读:想快乐先释放忧伤
想要快乐,先释放你的忧伤。下面的方法,不防尝试下吧。Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion---like stress, anger, or frustration. What was going through your mind as you were going th2012-03-01 编辑:Daisy 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 2012英语六级阅读:韩寒爱情里10件事
1. 如果你心里有别人了,我退出。 If there is another he in quit. 2. 如果你对别人有感觉,那你去追求吧,我不阻止。 If you got a crush on somebody else, then go for it. I will never be your o2012-02-29 编辑:Daisy 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 六级阅读精选文:我的另一个家
My childhood was filled with the kinds of activities that were common to every kid in the 1980s but are considered almost death-defying these days: tree climbing, bike riding without a helmet, and da2012-02-28 编辑:Daisy 标签:
[六级阅读辅导] 六级阅读精选文:千里之行,始于足下
Where do we start? People tell me about their work, relationship, family, exams, etc., and how difficult it is to handle situations, emotions, and pressures. I, too, share my own ups and downs with m2012-02-27 编辑:Daisy 标签:
课程名称 | 课时 | 优惠价 | 试听 |
英语六级零基础VIP签约全程班【2014年12月】 | 119 | 1280 | ![]() |
大学英语六级425通关班【2014年12月】 | 109 | 580 | ![]() |
英语六级词汇一笑而过【周思成主讲】 | 30 | 200 | ![]() |
英语六级单项突破班—听力【李旭主讲】 | 12 | 180 | ![]() |
英语六级单项突破班——阅读【吴洋主讲】 | 12 | 180 | ![]() |