今天我们再来讲一个以stand这个字为主的习惯用语:a stand-in. 要注意的是在stand和in之间必须有一个连接号。A stand-in很明显是一个名词。这个说法是出自好莱坞。大家都知道,电影里的惊险动作往往是由别人来代替电影明星演的。这种代替明星的人就是stand-in。每当明星不能参加排练的时候,那个代替他排练的人也是 a stand-in。可是,a stand-in这种说法现在已经不仅仅局限于代替演员的人,它已经扩大到日常生活中去,可以应用在各个方面。凡是一个人临时去代替别人做什么事,那个人就可以被称为a stand-in。下面就是一个例子。
例句: The mayor was sick in bed with a sudden attack of the flu so one of the city council members had to be a stand-in for the mayor and go out to meet the governor at the airport.
例句: You want me to be a stand-in for you again tonight at the dinner party? Let me tell you, I'm getting tired of being your stand-in all the time. If you don't want to perform your duties, why don't you let me take over your position.
n.会议;政务会, 理事会, 委员会;顾问班子, 立法班子
a governor's council