The weather in Britain can change very quickly.
One day last week I went for a walk in the country.
上周有一天 我在英国散步
When I started out early in the morning the weather was beautiful.
我一大早出去的时候 天气非常好
The sun was shining; the sky was blue; and there was no cloud at all.
阳光明媚 晴空万里 万里无云
In the middle of the morning a sudden change came.
等到上午的时候 突然就变了
A strong wind started to blow; black clouds covered the sun.
开始刮起了大风 乌云蔽日
And in a very short time it started to rain heavily.
不一会儿 就下起了倾盆大雨
There were no houses in sight, and I had no coat with me.
目之所见 没有一户人家 我也没穿外套
So I got very wet and very cold, too.
所以我被淋成了落汤鸡 还被冻成了狗
After about an hour I managed to catch a coach which took me home.
大约一小时后 我追上了一辆长途公车 把我带回了家
But when I arrived, it was clear again!
等我到家的时候 天又放晴了
We sometimes say that Britain is a country where you can have four seasons in one day.
有时候我们会说 英国是个一日有四季的国家