1. An Apologue Narrating History and Human����An explanation of the film "English Patient"" һ��������ʷ���˵�Ԣ�ԡ������ӰƬ��Ӣ�����ˡ���
2. Akinary Ueda's Literary View on Anti-Benthamism����"Apologue Theory" and "Gassy Angry Speech Theory" ������ɵķ�����������ѧ�ۡ�����Ԣ��˵���롰����ͽ��˵��
3. Cultural Apologue and Structural Magic-cube����On the Source and Form of "Two Women+One Man" Mode in Modern Chinese Literature. �Ļ�Ԣ�ԡ��ṹħ�������ִ��й���ѧ����Ů+�С�ģʽ�ġ�Դ���롰�Ρ�
1. a short moral story (often with animal characters)