1. The central problem is that models developed by Llinas and others conceive of consciousness as an all-or-nothing condition. 重点是里纳斯与其他人发展出的模型,将意识看成是全有或全无的状态。
2. Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve. 人的心,能想到的一切,它都可以被实现。
3. Young children like to watch television, they cannot conceive of life without it. 小孩子喜欢看电视,他们无法想象没有电视的生活。
4. Thus, we can conceive of the early universe as a pile of overlapping grapefruits that stretches infinitely in all directions. 因此,我们可以把早期宇宙想成是水果摊上一堆往各个方向无穷延伸的葡萄柚。
5. Can you conceive of six of eight civilized, educated human beings strapped into a harness and pulling a wagon, like horsed before a plow? 能想象吗,六到八个受过文明教育的人,像拉犁的马一样,挽着马具拖一辆货车的情形吗?