1. Goose whole body is treasure, wing of neck of tongue of head of palm of eider down, fat liver, goose, goose, goose, goose, goose, bowel, muscle, stomach, blood is very costly salable production.

2. Companies leading products: ice egg white, egg yolk powder, liquid egg yolk, all kind of whole egg powder, liquid sweetened egg yolk, salt and other liquid egg yolk.

3. R: Meat and eggs: boiled chicken, chicken in soy sauce, double-cooked pork, steamed fish, pork ribs in tomato sauce, roast pork, roast goose, fried beef, fried egg, salted egg and egg in soy sauce.

4. R: Meat and eggs: boiled chicken, chicken in soy sauce, double-cooked pork, steamed fish, pork ribs in tomato sauce, roast pork, roast goose, fried beef, fried egg, salted egg and egg in soy sauce.

5. R: Meat and eggs: boiled chicken, chicken in soy sauce, double-cooked pork, steamed fish, pork ribs in tomato sauce, roast pork, roast goose, fried beef, fried egg, salted egg and egg in soy sauce.
