1. There is less stigma attached to illegitimacy now than there used to be. 私生子女已不像过去那样见不得人了。
2. Objective illegitimacy gradually prevailed during the course and influenced the structure of the criminal Illegitimacy of continental Law system deeply. 在这一争论过程中,“客观的违法性论”逐渐占据支配地位,并对德日犯罪论体系的建构产生了深远影响。
3. Therefore, the theory of crime composition should be reformed as three-level system of "deserved constitutional elements, illegitimacy and imputability". 我国的犯罪构成理论应改造为“构成要件该当性-违法性-有责性”的三阶层体系。
1. the status of being born to parents who were not married
2. unlawfulness by virtue of not being authorized by or in accordance with law