1. About half the population is still illiterate. 大约一半人口仍是文盲。
2. I read that beautiful Shakespearean sonnet to her, but it was pearls before swine to such an illiterate person. 我给她读莎士比亚优美的十四行诗,但在这样没文化的人面前,简直是对牛弹琴。
3. When a considerable percentage are illiterate, the whole machinery of government has to take account of the fact. 如果有相当大的百分比都是文盲,整个政府机构对于这样一个事实,应该加以重视。
1. a person unable to read
2. not able to read or write
3. uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific
4. lacking culture, especially in language and literature