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inviolate [in'vaiələt, -leit,-leitid]



    adj. ���۵�ģ�δ���µģ�δ���ַ���



    1. Perfect in every detail, it would stand inviolate for thousands of years.
    2. All branches are connected to the sturdy trunk of his decision-making tree, an inviolate set of rules for risk control.
    3. You stormed into an embassy; you violated the only absolutely inviolate rule of international relationships. And why? So you could kill a nobody.


      1. (of a woman) having the hymen unbroken
      2. must be kept sacred


    δ���µ�; �����ַ��ģ������; δ���ַ���; δ���ַ��ģ������;
    To make you inviolate
    There is an inviolate clemency
    immaculate inviolate unblemished unspotted unsullied untainted
    This lonesome place keeps me inviolate


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