1. Analyzed at the angle of art psychology, the creative motive of The Tales of the Three Kingdoms can be divided into apparent motive and potential motive.

2. In general, the bases of power include the following items: expert power, referent power, legitimate power, coercive power, reward power, information power, and connection power.

3. In general, the bases of power include the following items: expert power , referent power, legitimate power, coercive power , reward power, information power, and connection power .

4. The embodiment of such division on matters as "apology" is that westerners are dualists on motive and effect while Chinese are monists on motive and effect.

5. The motive of serving the individual or a small clique is not good, nor is it good to have the motive of serving the masses without the effect of winning their approval and benefiting them.
