1. The cultural change is a complicated process, in that psychic culture is most difficult for changing. The change or fixedness of psychic culture relate to the sacred crowd. 文化的变迁是一个很复杂的过程,其中精神文化是最难改变的,而它的变迁或固守与祭祀人群是有关的。
2. Psychic existence is the only category of existence of which we have immediate knowledge, since nothing can be known unless it first appears as a psychic image. 能够被我们直接认知的存在只有心理存在,因为任何事物只有首先显形为心理表象,然后才能够被我们认知。
3. the psychic trauma in the wake of the 9-11 terrorist attack. 9-11恐怖袭击之后产生于人们的心理创伤。
4. the psychic trauma in the wake of the 9-11 terrorist attack. 11恐怖袭击之后产生于人们的心理创伤。
5. In May 12 Wenchuan earthquake, the students suffered a huge psychic trauma. 12四川汉川特大地震灾害中,学生蒙受了巨大的心理创伤。