1. Resilience. Resourcefulness and creativity. An aptitude for life-long learning. ���Ӧ��ʹ�����������Ҫ����ѧϰ�ġ�
2. Your beauty comes from your resourcefulness and your ambition toward high-quality living. ���������������Լ������Ƕ�ı�����Ʒ�������Ұ�ġ�
3. To the extent that his resourcefulness enhances the prospect for perestroika at home and moderation abroad, it deserves a welcome in the West. �����IJ��������ڹ��ڸĸ��ǰ���Լ������ϵ�Ļ��ͳ̶ȶ��ԣ�����ֵ����������ӭ�ġ�
1. the quality of being able to cope with a difficult situation
2. the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems