1. With sow or cuttage law is progenitive, seminal life is brief, after collecting, sow namely. �ò��ֻ�Ǥ�巨��ֳ�����������̣��ɺ���
2. Young suckling piglets are protected by passive immunity from the sow. In most systems they receive little challenge from the sow herself, since she is actively immune to the diseases she carries. ���������ɴ�ĸ���ñ�������������ĸ��������Я���ļ����н�ǿ���ߣ�С��������ĸ������������Ӷ������ܵ�����ĸ���ļ�����в��
3. As the Sow, He nursed them and forgot all about His abode in heaven. ��Ϊ��ĸ�������������ǣ���ȫ�����������õ�ס����
4. Say to My servants that they should (only) say those things that are best: for Satan doth sow dissensions among them: For Satan is to man an avowed enemy. ������ҵ�������˵��������˵����������Ļ�������ħ�ض�Ҫ������ǣ���ħȷ����������С�
5. Sow not, O people, the seeds of dissension amongst men, and contend not with your neighbor. Ŷ�������ģ���Ҫ����Ⱥ�ﲥ�����������ӣ�Ҳ��Ҫ���������������
sow bosom ������;
sow discord ��Ū�Ƿ�;
At eventide they sow terror �컹δ����������Ӱ�������Ӷ������ߵķ��ӣ����������ߵ����ˡ�;