1. When cutting the inner corner angle at high speed, current will inject in the parts from the corner angle, and then go through from the corner angle.
2. Tung Lo Wan Road, Moreton Terrace, Causeway Road, Irving Street, Pennington Street, Yee Wo Street, Hennessy Road, Canal Road Bus Only Line.
3. Nachizi pilot areas from the National Palace Museum tube West River, is bounded by South Beiheyan Main Street, North Main Street from 54, north Chang'an Street.
4. We can organize Jones' behavior conceptually by attributing to him the belief that there is a mailbox on the corner, because he puts a letter he wants to mail into a box on the corner.
5. The Polygon tool prompts for number of sides, first corner position, and adjacent corner position. The Semicircle tool prompts for start and end points.