1. Methods A German type ATMOSⅡ laryngo stroboscope was used in vocal surgery for 531 cases of vocal polyp, 139 of vocal nodule and 22 of vocal cyst in laryngology clinic.
2. Methods A German type ATMOSⅡ laryngo stroboscope was used in vocal surgery for 531 cases of vocal polyp, 139 of vocal nodule and 22 of vocal cyst in laryngology clinic.
3. Vocal music is a specific form of art characteristic of multiple disciplines, such as psychology, physics, linguistics, performance art, and vocal techniques.
4. Vocal music is a specific form of art characteristic of multiple disciplines, such as psychology, physics, linguistics, performance art, and vocal techniques.
5. Classical and contemporary music, serious and entertainment music, music frOm Germany, Russia and all over the world, sheet music for all instruments.