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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

点此下载: 哈师大附中2008-2009年度高三上学期

1.What does the woman feel?
A. Pleased. B. Tired. C. Fresh.
2.How old do you think Jennifer should learn to drive?
A. Above 18. B. Under 18. C. At the age of 16.
3.How long do you think the lady will have stayed here before she leaves?
A. For about one year and a half. B. For about two years. C. For about half a year.
4.What would the man do?
A. Open the window. B. Open the door. C. Close the window.
5.Where does this conversation take place?
A. In a garden. B. At a market. C. At a flower shop.
6.What did the man do yesterday?
A. He went to see his friends. B. He visited his brothers. C. He watched a play.
7.Why was the man late?
A. He had to leave school. B. He talked with his friend. C. He had to finish his homework first.
听第7段材料,回答第8—10 题:
8.How does frozen food taste?
A. Fine. B. Terrible. C. Better than fresh foods.
9.Why do we think frozen foods are convenient?
A. We can shop every day. B. We can shop every two or three weeks. C. We needn’t shop any more.
10.How long can frozen foods keep?
A. 7 months. B. 8 months. C. 9 months.
听第8段材料,回答第11—13 题:
11.Where is the City Library?
A. On Princess East Road. B. On Roosevelt Road. C. On Oxford Road.
12.Which direction is Roosevelt Road on Princess East Road?
A. To the north. B. To the west. C. To the south.
13.What is the sign of Oxford Road?
A. A brown building. B. A big crossing. C. An overpass(跨桥).
听第9段材料,回答第14—16 题:
14.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?
A. Colleagues. B. Husband and wife. C. Sister and brother.
15.Where did the woman first check the reading glasses?
A. In her pocket. B. In a drawer. C. Under the newspaper.
16.What have happened to the woman’s glasses?
A. Someone else has borrowed them from her. B. She is wearing them. C. They are in the bathroom.
听第10段材料,回答第17—20 题:
17.How many roses did the young man want to send his girl friend for her birthday?
A. 10. B. 22. C. 32.
18.Who sent the roses to the girl the next day?
A. The young man. B. The assistant. C. We don’t know who.
19.Why did the assistant send the girl ten more flowers?
A. Because he wanted to make the girl angry.
B. Because he wanted to sell more roses.
C. Because he wanted to make the young man glad.
20.What can we know from the story?
A. Roses should be sent for one’s birthday.
B. One may do something wrong even out of kindness.
C. Some girls don’t like roses.
点此下载: 哈师大附中2008-2009年度高三上学期

重点单词   查看全部解释    
check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

convenient [kən'vi:njənt]


adj. 方便的,便利的

drawer ['drɔ:ə]


n. 抽屉,拖曳者,制图员,开票人

kindness ['kaindnis]


n. 仁慈,好意





