A letter of a complaint.
Dear Manager,
Two weeks ago, I was walking along the street when I saw your a traffic advisement and I stepped into your shop.Dong Fang domestic device.Persuaded by your salesman's sweet words,I spent 2000Yuan and bought a fridge.When I took the new fridge home.I couldn't wait a minute and make it work once.Everything went on quitely well until yesterday. I open the door of fridge as usual, however, a wave of hot smell air is pronounced.The newly-bought fridge didn't produce cold but hot air.The food has gone bad.Nothing can be worse NET.I hope you cando with the matter ASAP. My telephone number is 5256745. I am waiting for your reply.
两周前,我在街上看见了贵公司的交通广告,随即我前往了商店。东方家电。在销售员的甜言蜜语下,我花了2000元购买了一台冰箱。当我把它带回家时。我迫不及待地将它打开。昨天之前的一切都非常顺利。我向往常一样打开了冰箱门,但是一股热气扑面而来。新买的冰箱不产生冷气,而是热气。食物已经损坏。没有比这更糟糕的了。我希望您马上处理此事。我的电话是5256745. 我等待着您的回复。
A consumer.