Care Giver. The nurse helps the patient recover through the healing process. She looks after the patient carefully. By doing so, she helps the patient regain his wellbeing.
Decision Maker. Before she takes any action, the nurse decides the best approach for the individual patient. These decisions can be made alone, with the patient and family or with other health care professionals.
Protector. The nurse tries to create a safe environment. She helps to prevent the patient from injury and protects the patient from possible unfavorable effects in the treatment. The nurse should also protect the patient's human and legal rights.
Manager. The nurse should be responsible. She supervises other health care workers, manages the practice setting and organizes activities.
Rehabilitator. Illness or disability brings about changes on the part of the patient. The nurse should teach and help the patient to cope with the changes. In this way, the nurse helps the patients return to maximal functioning.
Comforter. The nurse cares for the patient through psychological support. The patient needs help in reaching therapeutic goals.
Communicator. The nurse play a very important part in promoting communication among the people. Such communication helps to meet the needs of patients, families and communities.
Teacher. The nurse explains ideas and facts about health care to the patient. Attention should be made to offer individualized teaching. Teaching may be formal or informal.