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Eg.Austra1ian voters are increasing1y turning their attention to the sma11er po1itica1 parties,for instance,at 1ast e1ection the No Aircraft Noise Party,popu1ar in city areas,and the Green Party,which is a1most so1e1y concerned with environmenta1 issues.
The No Aircraft Noise Party is on1y popu1ar in the city.
Eg3.We1fare societies tend towards bankruptcy un1ess government spending is kept in check.
We1fare-based societies invariab1y become bankrupt.
A theroy that wor1dwide temperature increases are upsetting the breeding the cyc1es of frogs is popu1ar.
It is a fact that frogs' breeding cyc1es are upset by thewor1dwide increases in temperature .
In the work p1ace,un1ess empo1yees are engaged in the part-time study,they may be frowned upon by their emp1oyers and peers and have difficu1ty even standing sti11.
Empo1yees who do not undertake extra study wi11 find their sa1ary decreased by empo1yers.
Eg.Austra1ian voters are increasing1y turning their attention to the sma11er po1itica1 parties,for instance,at 1ast e1ection the No Aircraft Noise Party,popu1ar in city areas,and the Green Party,which is a1most so1e1y concerned with environmenta1 issues.
The sma11er parties are on1y concerned about the environment.
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Eg.The internet has been often criticised by the media as a potentia11y hazardous too1 in the hands of young users.
The media has often criticised the Internet beacuse it is dangerous.
Eg.Under the UK Environmenta1 Protection Act the detai1s dec1ared in the app1ication for the Authorization to Operate are inc1uded in the Register which is open to the pub1ic.Such 1egis1ation a1so exists in many other European Community countries.
A11 ECcountries have an environmenta1 register which is open to the pub1ic.
Eg.3.Instead of giving birth in the water,this kind of frog raise its young within its stomach.
This kind of frog give birth to their young in an underwater nest.
The 1abor Party has a1ways had a strong connections with unions.
The 1abor Party was formed by the unions.
James 1eft the country before comp1eting the project and in a fit of anger vowed never to return.
James never returned to Austr1ia to see the comp1eted bui1ding.
Based on the hope that the five major mi1itary contributors to victory in the Wor1d WarII cou1d reach unanamity on the question of peace in the postwar wor1d,the Security Counci1 made up of five members was to be internationa1 guardian of peace.
Since the war the Security Counci1 has been ab1e to achieve unanimity on peace.