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雅思写作辅导:范文118篇(含小作文)part 11

来源:examw 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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  along with the shinking job market,the young school leavers found its more and more hard to follow the ideal job,therefore ,they place the blame on the universities today,saying that courses offered by universities cant provide them the enough practical training which ensure them a decent job , a chanllenging and promotion position.i dont think that view can hold water.they dont really understand the function of universities in our society.

  its impossible that people experience all important events,only by practical training offered by universities.as the speed of which skills is getting obsolete,the new techolology and science is getting unpredictable.the practical training is far from the enough.the theoritical knowlege provide us unlimited additional experience.we not only can trace back the wisdom of anticedents.we also can keep up with the development of society.sure,its the second- hand experience.few of us can live over 100years,but all of us can live many lives by learning anticedents's second- hand experience.

  moreover,the university is not teach us how to earn our bread,but make us every monthful sweeter.thats is to say,they can not guarantee our future jobs.but they can help me to add energy,to rich inspire,to increase knowledge.which set us apart from the schools which only vocational trainings.without a solid theoritical knowledge,the latter cant elicit our creativity.

  therefore,we should not measure the university only by how many their grauduates get established in society.结尾忘了,由于作文给了别人,以上所有作文都是回忆的,这个结尾大家自己补充。






