本次考试的题目配置为:4新。Section 1为:填空题;Section 2为:填空题;Section 3为:单项选择题;Section 4为:单项选择题 + 配对题。
根据今天参加考试的同志们反应,尽管全部是新题,但是总体难度适中。S1=新题:一个度假村的招工信息;S2=新题:关于一个旅游景点cave的介绍;S3=新题:关于Tom的论文写作的探讨; S4=新题:关于科研保密的谈论。
Section One:
1. Jamieson
2. 11th July
3. waiter
4. sing
5. children
6. drive
7. transport
8. meals
9. Thursday
10. photo
Section Two:
11. 6
12. 8
13. lookout point
14. bus
15. 18
16. railway station
17. plants
18. apple juice
19. kitchen area
20. 09166956432
Section Three:
21. make own edition before submission
22. it is unusual compared with other companies
23. the change of product image
24. do extensive research
25. allocation of mark
26. interaction with others
27. data in book is not accurate
28. not up-to-date in time
29. keep eyes contacted with audience
30. 待定
Section Four:
31. important for progress of research
32. genetics have mixed feeling
33. staffs working in academic institute
34. 待定
35. 待定
36. most
37. some
38. few
39. some
40. most