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剑桥雅思教材加配套听力第一册 Unit3 Section1(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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M = Male student
F = Female student
C = Clerk

M: How do you come to the university each day? Train or bus or do you have a car?
F: Oh, I always walk—I haven't got a car and anyway I live quite close.
M: Do you know anything about parking rights on the campus? I was wondering whether students are allowed to park their cars on the campus or not?
F: Yes, I think it's possible for post graduate students but not for Q1 undergraduate students.
M: That doesn't seem very fair.
F: No, I suppose not, but there simply isn't enough room on the campus for everyone to park.
M: Do you need a parking permit?
F: Yeah, I believe you do.
M: Where do I get that from?
F: I think you can get a parking sticker from the administration office.
M: Where's that?
F: It's in the building called Block G. Right next to Block E. Q2
M: Block G?
F: Yeah.
M: Oh right. And what happens to you if you don't buy a sticker? Do they clamp your wheels or give you a fine?
F: No, I think they tow your car away. Q3
M: Oh really?
F: Yeah. And then they fine you as well because you have to pay to get the car Q3 back.
M: I'd better get the sticker then.
F: Yeah.
M: Where exactly is the administration office again? I'm new to this university and I'm still trying to find my way around.
F: Right. You go along Library Road, past the tennis courts on your left and the swimming pool on your right and the administration office is opposite the car park on the left. You can't miss it.
M: So it's up Library Road, past the swimming pool, opposite the car park. Q4 Right, I'll go straight over there. Bye and thanks for the help.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
block [blɔk]


n. 街区,木块,石块
n. 阻塞(物), 障

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

administration [ə'streiʃən]


n. 行政,管理,行政部门

permit ['pə:mit,pə'mit]


n. 许可证,执照
v. 允许,许可


关键字: 教材 雅思 剑桥




