F = Female student
M = Male student
C = Clerk
F: Oh, hello. I'm here to register for the First Year Law course.
C: I'll just have to fill out this form for our records. What's your name?
F: Julia Perkins.
C: Can you spell that for me?
F: Yeah, that's J-U-L-I-A P-E-R-K-I-N-S. Q6
C: Address?
F: Flat 5, 15 Waratah Road, that's W-A-R-A-T-A-H, Brisbane. Q7 and Q8
C: Brisbane ... And your telephone number?
F: We haven't got the phone on yet. We've only just moved in.
C: OK, well can you let us have the number once the phone's connected and I'll make a note here to be advised. And the course? Q9
F: I beg your pardon?
C: What course are you doing?
F: First Year Law. Q10
C: Right. Well, you'll have to go across to the Law Faculty and get this card stamped and then you come back here with it and pay your union fee.
F: Thanks very much.