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雅思写作考官范文 A类 Task1(组合图) 第1期:enrolment in different colleges

来源:可可英语 编辑:kekenet   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

model answer:

The charts shows student enrolment by gender and level in different colleges of the Higher Colleges of Technology colleges in the UAE.

There are clear differences in male and female enrolment. Females outnumber men in all the colleges, with almost 25% more students in Dubai Women's college than in Dubai Men's. Ras Al-Khaimah Women's College has almost 180 students, compared to only 100 in the Men's college.

Females also outnumber males by level, with almost double the number of men at Higher Diploma level (330 compared to 181). Only at Diploma level does the number of men slightly exceed that of women.

Over half the students are in Certificate level, with less than a quarter at Higher Diploma or Bachelor level.

In conclusion, most students in the Higher Colleges are enrolled at Diploma level or below, and the majority of students are women.

(143 words)

内容来自:可可英语 //

文章关键字: 雅思范文 组合图




