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来源:新东方 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  Currently,many people fail to balance the work with the other parts of lives, what are the reasons and how to solve it? 现在,一些人难以平衡工作和生活的其他部分,原因何在,如何解决?(2012年3月8日)
  “我只想按照自己内心的想法去生活,为何这也如此艰难? ”有时候,我们想要上升,却又缺乏力量,我们想要后退,又不甘心,欲求而不得的焦躁,正是人生的困顿所在。“吾欲乎遑遑欲何之。”我的心啊,你为何如此不安宁,我的人生,你到底要走向哪里?只是,无论生活如何困顿、迷茫,只要我们还在为梦想奋力的路上,明天的太阳就一定是美丽的。
  ① 企业应帮助职员缓压,建立理性的工作制,提倡健康的工作方式,毕竟,无论工作学习,勤奋高效才是我们应努力追求的。
  ② 对于个人而言,我们应该转变心态,事业的成功不是人生唯一目的,努力工作是为了去创造和享受美好人生, 但是,工作不应成为负累。无论多忙,人应牢记:家庭生活和健康管理也是重要的,我们不该把没有完成的工作带回家,也应规律运动、发展爱好、拓宽交友圈。
  【首段】 背景介绍 + 问题影响 + 写作目的
  Alarmingly, there is a growing awareness that a great many employees find it hard to strike a proper balance between career and life, some people fail to care about the health management and the cultivation of new hobby. The failure of tackling the tense relationship between career development and private life will have a really adverse influence. This essay aims to explore the reasons why it is far from easy to perfectly balance the job and life and then present solutions
  1. Alarmingly, there is a growing awareness that …… 令人担忧的是,人们渐渐认识到……
  2. it is far from easy to do sth 做……很难
  3. The failure of tackling the tense relationship between career development and private life will have a really adverse influence. 未能合理安排处理事业和个人生活的确带来很多不利影响。
  The potential reasons of tense relationship between career and personal life are manifold. First, to zero in on career can be mainly owed to one’s infinite desire for life. More precisely, many young people desire to outshine others in their careers. To fulfill their rosy dreams, they have to work extremely hard. Thereby, the more time one spends on career, the less time one can allocate to other activities such as family life, health management or personal hobbies. Also, excessive workload and fierce competition that is why numerous young adults have to fully focus on jobs. More precisely,A new employee is sure to be eliminated by the hot competition if he or she slackens efforts at self-improvement.
  1. To zero in on career can be mainly owed to one’s infinite desire for life. 全心专注于事业可以被归结为人们对于生活的无尽渴望。
  2. A new employee is sure to be eliminated by the hot competition if he or she slackens efforts at self-improvement. 如果职场新人在自我提升方面有所放松,他注定会被激励的竞争所淘汰。
  【三段】 人们努力平衡工作和生活的解决策略
  Considering the conflict between career and life, it is high time that we adopted effective measures. Initially, it is imperative for the relevant companies to reduce the heavy workload and create healthy work style. Virtually, to popularize a reasonable mode of work not only brings happiness to the workers but also enhances the efficiency of working. Also, efforts should be made by everyone to change their opinion towards career. Specifically, people should clearly know that success in career will never be the sole aim of life, to work diligently is to create and savor wonderful life. No matter how busy one might be, one should always bear in mind that family life tops all and he or she should never bring unfinished working tasks to home.
  1. Considering the conflict between career and life, it is high time that we adopted effective measures. 考虑到事业和生活的矛盾,我们理应采取一些有效的措施。
  2. Also, efforts should be made by everyone to change their opinion towards career. 个人应该努力改变职业观。
  3. To work diligently is to create and savor wonderful life. 努力工作是为去创造和品位精彩人生。
  4. Family life tops all. 家庭生活最重要
  5. He or she should never bring unfinished working tasks to home. 我们不应该把未完的工作带回家。
  【尾段】 作家立场
  In closing,my stand is that it is no easy task to keep a appropriate balance between career and life at times, however, one should make efforts to realize this balance.
  1. in closing,my stand is that …… 总之,我的立场是……
  2. it is no easy task to do sth v做……绝非易事
  3. at times adv 有时候

重点单词   查看全部解释    
initially [i'niʃəli]


adv. 最初,开头

thereby ['ðɛə'bai]


adv. 因此,从而

unfinished [,ʌn'finiʃt]


adj. 未完成的

savor ['seivə]


n. 味道,气味,滋味 vi. 有 ... 的味道或风味

solve [sɔlv]


v. 解决,解答

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

awareness [ə'wɛənis]


n. 认识,意识,了解

potential [pə'tenʃəl]


adj. 可能的,潜在的
n. 潜力,潜能

explore [iks'plɔ:]


v. 探险,探测,探究

strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划





