Manor--mattress The massacre's manuscript This room was the site of the massacre.
记载大屠杀的手稿 这个房间就是 大屠杀的遗址。
The guide said as he entered the largest room in the mansion. If you will all look over there on the mantle.
导游一边走进豪宅最大 的房间一边解释道, “如果大家看那边 的那个覆盖物,
You will be able to see the manuscript about the event. It was just found last year in a mattress.
你就能看到记载这 一事件的手稿。 这份手稿是去年在 一个床垫里发现的。
Now some people believe that the tale was manufactured, but several key events have been confirmed in other places;.
现在有些人认为书中 的故事是虚构的, 但其中几个重要事件已 在其他地方得以证实,
Various neighboring manors mentioned still exist, maritime records confirm the storm.
而手稿中提及的附近 几所庄园依然存在, 海事记录证明了当时 确有一场大风暴
And city records confirm the all-city masquerade ball that followed a marathon.
城市记录则证实 当时曾举行马拉松比赛 之后又进行了一场全市 市民参加的化妆舞会。
So we believe that it is authentic. I read in a travel manual.
所以我们相信 这部手稿是真的。” 我曾在一本旅游 指南中读到,
That the author of the manuscript was the maternal uncle of the Captain's first mate. Said a massive woman standing next to a beautiful marble statue.
手稿的作者是船长 大副的母系叔叔。 一位站在一尊美丽的 大理石雕像旁的 大块头女人说道,
He was only one of a few survivors. Yes, there were some notes written in the margins.
他只是几位 幸存者之一。 是的,手稿页边 空白处写下的 一些注解
That led researchers to believe that. But the level of mastery of English.
让研究者们相信 他就是这本书的作者, 但书中对英语的 精通程度
Leads others to believe that someone else wrote this masterpiece. They think that the notes about the first mate were written by someone else.
又让其他人觉得这部 杰作是出自他人之手, 他们认为关于大副的 注解是由别人写的。
What is this area marked over here? Asked a young woman.
这边做了记号的 地方是什么? 一个年轻女人问道,
Who was actually related to the heirs of the mansion through matrimony. That is an investigators research matrix.
此人因为婚姻关系 与这座豪宅的继承 人实际上是亲戚。 那是一位调查者 的研究模型。
He thinks that there are bloodstains there and he is meticulously taking samples. Now, if you will all follow me.
他认为那里有血迹, 正在谨慎地采集样本。 好啦,如果大家跟我来
I will show you to the basement where the remains of 56 people have been found.
我会带你们去地下室 看看,那儿发现了 56具尸体的遗骸。