听到学生们回忆这个雅思口语话题的时候,慢慢想到,“最礼貌的人”可以不是个人,I mean...不是个真人。Ta可以是各种优秀品质组装起来的,所以其实这道题就是谈谈你心目中,有礼貌之人的日常。所以就算你环顾一周,发现你认识的人当中,居然最有礼貌的是你自己,那也不要慌,就把自己当成别的小朋友,跟考官聊聊就好。
不过可能又有人会感觉两分钟夸一个人,没有那么多可夸的啊!所以“不跑题的废话”是必不可少的。我们可以在开头对该人做简介的时候,加入一些Ta为啥会如此礼貌的原因,无外乎是家教好情商高,受教育程度不错,见过大场面深知为人处世礼节blah blah…
Well, the most courteous man I know is my uncle, who's my father's little brother. We are pretty close. He's only 10 years older than me and we always hang out together. He's well educated, I mean, he just got his doctoral degree. He's been to a bunch of formal occasions, and he's quite familiar with social etiquette.
Here are some few examples:
Whenever he's out with someone, he's always properly dressed. I didn't get why he would go through so much trouble to "impress" others, but he explained, the whole point was not to impress, but to show respect.
And he's super modest when talking to others. Besides, he's a good listener. He never cuts others off. It always feels good when I have a conversation with him.
And he's extremely polite when interacting with waiters and taxi drivers. He would say thank you many times after he's been helped.
On top of that, he pays attention to small details in our daily life, like knocking on doors before entering a room, holding the door for others behind him, and holding the elevator when he sees someone rushing to the door.
So you see, he's really a nice person, and he's a good influence on me. Spending time with him has helped me become a better person.
adv. 极其,非常