No.13 Some people say that professional workers such as doctors, nurses and teachers makegreater contribution. So they should be paid more than those sport andentertainment persons. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 一些人认为专业人士比如医生护士和老师对社会贡献大,收入应该比体育娱乐明星多,是否同意?
运动员和明星具有高额的收入(sports professionals, film stars, pop musicians are paid huge salaries),相比之下,教师、护士及研究人员收入平平(teachers, nurses,laboratory researchers are never listed among the best-paid professionals),甚至是科学家(research scientists)和政治家(leading politicians)都无法企及,因此很多人觉得他们赚钱容易(earn their fortunes so quickly)。他们与默默无私奉献的其它职业之间的收入的差异是不合理的(The gaps between their earnings and those of people who work less selfishly for the good ofsociety cannot be justified)。很多位社会做贡献的职业也应该(be muchbetter appreciated and better paid)。
高收入反映的是体育的一种公众流行程度(public popularity)。拥有真正天赋的职业运动员数量极少(thenumber of professionals with real talent is very few),薪酬体现了对于为成功而必须拥有的技能和贡献的认可(the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication)。相对短暂的职业生涯里(in their relatively short career),职业巅峰期短暂(don’thold their top positions long),很快就会被人取代(be replaced)。竞争无处不在(Competition is constant)来自媒体的压力很大(Thepressure from the media is intense),几乎无隐私可言(there islittle privacy out of the spotlight)。
公众流行程度public popularity
竞争无处不在Competition is constant
对技能和贡献的认可a recognition of the skills and dedication
收入差异the gap between their income
几乎无隐私可言there is little privacy out of the spotlight
No.14 Millions of dollars are spent on space research every year. Some peopleargue that the money should be spent on improving living standards on earth. Doyou agree or disagree. 政府是否应该投资外太空
地球上的资源是有限的,迟早会被消耗完(finite andexhaustible ),因此需要开拓太空上的能源(open energy and materialresources of space for human benefit );促进经济增长(supporteconomic growth ),使商业更加繁荣(an increase in businessactivity );
人口增长导致地球承载压力加大(cause the usablespace to shrink ),因此太空探索有利于为人类找到一个新的居住地(find asanctuary);
有利于环境考察(environmental monitoring ),有利于收集人类生存环境(living environment )的数据,比如天气预报(weatherforecasting)、环境保护和可持续发展(sustainable development )等相关数据;
提高一些产业的科学竞争力(technologicalcompetitiveness ),特别在国际商业领域(in international business ),创造人力资源和高级别的专业技术(human capital and high-level expertise);可以增加年轻人对自然科学的兴趣(arouse the interest of young people in natural sciences )。
需要长期的努力和大量资金(long-term andstrenuous commitments and a large sum of funding ),大部分国家支付不起(unaffordable to most countries ),这些资金应该用于解决一些更实际的问题,比如饥荒(famine ),疾病(霍乱cholera ['kɒlərə],)等;
很多项目收效甚微(make little progress),甚至被证明是徒劳无益的(taxing 费力的,繁重的and unrewarding )。
导致地球承载压力加大(causethe usable space to shrink
饥荒(famine ),疾病(霍乱cholera ['kɒlərə],)
人力资源和高级别的专业技术(humancapital and high-level expertise)
长期的努力和大量资金(long-termand strenuous commitments and a large sum of funding
No.15 Some people think the success of life is based on hard work anddetermination but others think there are more important factors like money orpersonal appearance. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 成功取决于努力和决心还是财富、外形等其他因素。
Hard work and determination are aninevitable pathway to gain happiness and accomplishment. Undeniably, withoutpersistent efforts, a profitable return can fail to gain.
Wealth and physical features are alsoconsidered significant elements for success in individual life. Wealth canbring security and happiness, while charming appearances can bring preferablepartners.
获得幸福和成功gain happiness andaccomplishment
好的回报 a profitable return
毋庸置疑地 Undeniably
外形 physical features
安全感 security