[新东方考研英语阅读Flash课堂] 新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第23课:2000年真题训
新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第23课:2000年真题训练(2)2014-08-27 编辑:liekkas 标签:
[考研英语经典句解析] 2015考研英语备考练习之每天一句(129)
The political pendulum in American politics swung away from the right, putting an end to the12- year Republican Revolution on Capitol Hill and delivering a sharp rebuke of President Bush and the Ir...2014-08-26 编辑:Aimee 标签:
[新东方考研英语阅读Flash课堂] 新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第22课:2000年真题训
新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第22课:2000年真题训练(1)2014-08-26 编辑:liekkas 标签:
[考研英语经典句解析] 2015考研英语备考练习之每天一句(128)
Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual dev...2014-08-25 编辑:Aimee 标签:
[新东方考研英语阅读Flash课堂] 新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第21课:泛读训练方法
新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第21课:泛读训练方法2014-08-25 编辑:liekkas 标签:
[考研英语经典句解析] 2015考研英语备考练习之每天一句(127)
Civil rights activists have long argued that one of the principal reason why Blacks , Hispanics, and other minority groups have difficulty establishing themselves in business is that they lack acce...2014-08-24 编辑:Aimee 标签:
[考研英语经典句解析] 2015考研英语备考练习之每天一句(126)
We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational processwhich we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education -- thatof direct tuition or schooling.2014-08-23 编辑:Aimee 标签:
[考研英语经典句解析] 2015考研英语备考练习之每天一句(125)
Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key br...2014-08-22 编辑:Aimee 标签:
[新东方考研英语阅读Flash课堂] 新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第20课:72精读击破法(
新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第20课:72精读击破法(3)2014-08-22 编辑:liekkas 标签:
[考研英语经典句解析] 2015考研英语备考练习之每天一句(124)
But the debate could not be resolved because no one was able to ask the crucial questions in a form in which they could be pursued productively.2014-08-21 编辑:Aimee 标签:
[新东方考研英语阅读Flash课堂] 新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第19课:72精读击破法(
新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第19课:72精读击破法(2)2014-08-21 编辑:liekkas 标签:
[考研英语经典句解析] 2015考研英语备考练习之每天一句(123)
考研英语是一门需要长时间积累的学科,对于备战2015考研的学子们来说,在此阶段,同学们应该主攻单词和语法,坚持每天1-2篇的英语阅读以此来培养语感。2014-08-20 编辑:Aimee 标签:
[新东方考研英语阅读Flash课堂] 新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第18课:72精读击破法(
新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第18课:72精读击破法(1)2014-08-20 编辑:liekkas 标签:
[考研英语经典句解析] 2015考研英语备考练习之每天一句(122)
Under modern conditions,this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts.2014-08-19 编辑:Aimee 标签:
[新东方考研英语阅读Flash课堂] 新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第17课:考研阅读例证题分
新东方考研英语阅读范猛flash课件 第17课:考研阅读例证题分析(2)2014-08-19 编辑:liekkas 标签:
课程名称 | 课时 | 价格 | 试听 |
【协议】2015考研英语(一)签约全程班 | 170 | ¥1580 | |
【协议】2015考研英语(二)签约全程班 | 166 | ¥1580 | |
2015考研政英签约全程联报班 | 326 | ¥2280 | |
2015考研政英全程联报班 | 301 | ¥1980 | |
2015考研政英数全程联报班 | 444 | ¥2980 | |
2015考研词汇5500【恋练有词 朱伟】 | 50 | ¥380 | |
2015考研政英西医综合全科签约联报班 | 528 | ¥3580 |