What's your plan of future?
Goethe once said that between today and tomorrow there is a long time. Learn to work before you lose your spirits.
Also, pessimisitc philosophers used to offer that the reason why we cry the moment we came to the world is that we know a lof of hardships are waiting for us in our life road. As for adults, they are happy because they think half of their burden would be shared by the newborn lives. Certainly, this is negative. As is known to all, happiness and bitterness all come from our heart, and just due to their existence, we recognize the meaning of admancy and boldness.
Maybe, since the first cry of our life, we have felt the life is due to be full of tears and hardness. However, it can reflect the value of life as well.
Every new day means a new start. What is your hope for future? What will you want to get ?So let's write down our hope and check it.
Good luck,friends!