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来源:新东方在线 编辑:keke   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


2. Passage Translation

Questions 11-14

M: Hello, 65226721

W: Is that you, Tom? This is Tracy. Look, I’m afraid I won’t be able to meet you at 7 o’clock this evening. I have to come later.

M: What? You mean…, you mean you are going to be late again?

W: It isn’t my fault. Mr. Brown, said Jane, the assistant manager, and I have to work for about half an hour overtime to finish something urgent this evening. So I’ll have be on duty at least an hour late and you know I can’t possibly go to restaurant straight from work like that. I have to go home to get change first.

M: It’s always something, isn’t? When will you be able to come then?

W: Don’t worry, you don’t have to wait long. I’ll be there at about 8.

M: At eight, but we are going to a film after dinner. Remember?

W: I know and it starts at eight thirty. We’ll just have to miss it this evening. We’ll be able to see it some other time.

M: Oh, no, we won’t. Tonight is the last night.

W: Oh, dear.

M: Yes you will. I’ll be glad to see you in your company suit. Meet me at the restaurant at 7 then.

W: All right, Tom, I’ll be there.

11. Where is Tracy going to meet Tom?

12. According to the woman, why is she unable to meet the man at 7 o’clock this evening?

13. What will the man and the woman do after dinner?

14. Why did the man insist their seeing the film that night?






