月球车 lunar rover
哈勃太空望远镜 Hubble Space Telescope
太阳能电池板 solar panel
国际空间站 international space station
空间物理探测 space physics exploration
紧急供氧装置 emergency oxygen apparatus
发射台 launch pad
充分发挥企业作为技术创新的主体作用 give full play to the role of main parties for technological innovation
热点消费 consumption in areas of high consumer interest
目标责任书 target responsibility document/description
个体工商户 self-employed/private industrial and commercial household/the self-employed
增强宏观调控的预见性针对性和实效性 make the macro control more proactive, targeted and effective
转轨经济 economies in transition/transition economy
扩内需、保增长,调结构、上水平,抓改革、增活力,重民生、促和谐 boost domestic demand to sustain economic grow, adjust the structure to raise the level of economy development, press ahead with reform to make the economy more vigorous, give top priority to ensure people's well-being and promote social harmony
战略性新兴产业 emerging industries of strategic importance/strategic emerging industries
compulsory course 必修课
computer lab 机房
conditional admission 试读
financial aid 财政资助(泛指向学生提供的各种资金、贷款、非全日工作等)
gene recombination 基因重组
genetic code 遗传密码
genetic map 遗传图
gene transfer 基因转移
geostationary/synchronous satellite 地球同步卫星
hacking attacks 黑客攻击
sustainable food security policies 可持续食品安全政策
sustainable intensification of rained agriculture 雨育农业的可持续集约化
terrestrial and marine ecosystems 陆地和海洋生态系统
tidal day 潮汐日
transfer and use of technologies 转让和使用技术
通用分组无线业务GPPS(general packet radio service)
全球移动通信系统GSM(global system for mobile communications)
国际农业发展基金会IFAD(the International Fund for Agricultural Development)
世界粮食计划署WFP(the World Food Program)
首次公开募股IPOs(initial public offerings)