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新加坡管理大学校长首届中国论坛致辞 中英对照

来源:可可英语 编辑:Andersen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam

Mr Ho Kwon Ping, SMU Chairman

His Excellency Duan Jielong, China’s Ambassador to Singapore

Our Keynote Speaker Professor Justin Lin and panel members

Ladies and gentlemen







Good morning and a very warm welcome to the inaugural SMU China Forum.


We are all aware that China’s emergence as a political heavyweight and an economic superpower has wide and far-reaching implications. It is a country with a long history and many different faces. Change in China is taking place at great speed.


The new leadership of China is faced with a myriad of complex challenges. These include rapid urbanisation, maintaining social stability, strengthening the social safety net, narrowing the income gap, an ageing population, and restructuring its economy to sustain growth.


SMU China Forum


Against this backdrop, the SMU China Forum has been organised to provide business leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers and researchers with a more comprehensive and integrated understanding of some of the influences and trends that are shaping China’s growth and development. It aims to enable participants of this Forum, as the theme suggests, to "Be China Ready," by coming together to share, discuss and debate ideas and issues about China that are current and relevant.


With these objectives in mind, we have with us today a stellar line-up of scholars and thought leaders who will share with us their valuable insights on various aspects of China. They are Professor Justin Lin from Peking University who was formerly the Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank; Professor Peng Xizhe from Fudan University; Professor Gan Li from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics; Ms Diana Tsui, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility & Diversity, KPMG China & CEO of KPMG Foundation; and Mr Lim Ming Yan, President and Group CEO of CapitaLand Limited.


The topics they will discuss range from factors that have contributed to China's extraordinary growth, potential challenges and opportunities arising from its demographic trends, household income and consumption, social investment and ageing in China.


SMU China Initiatives


This Forum is an integral part of SMU's China Initiatives which was established in the second quarter of 2012. The SMU China Initiatives aims to raise our profile in China as a research university in the broad field of social sciences. By doing so, we want to contribute to the Singapore-China collaboration in business, government and civic society by nurturing China-ready and bicultural graduates who are able to function effectively in the business and financial environment in China. We do so by providing many more opportunities for exchange and internships. The other major undertaking of the SMU China Initiatives is to actively drive and strengthen our collaboration with existing and new partner universities in research and postgraduate education. Our aim is to play a key role in creating and sharing knowledge and thought leadership that will benefit both Singapore and China.


Our China Strategy


SMU's long-term strategy in China consists of four priorities:


First, and as I mentioned already, we want to raise the profile and reputation of SMU in China. This is part of our overall strategy to build the SMU brand and image internationally. We have strong collaborations in Europe and the US, and have started moving into China, India and ASEAN. In fact, SMU started our engagement with China back in 2007 when our Lee Kong Chian School of Business began collaborating with Xiamen University on a Master of Applied Finance China programme. By raising our profile in China, SMU hopes to continue to attract high quality Chinese faculty and postgraduate students to undertake teaching, research and learning in a holistic environment at SMU. This will enable us to contribute to SMU’s mission to generate leading-edge research with global impact and produce broad-based, creative and entrepreneurial leaders for the knowledge-based economy.


Secondly, we aim to improve the quality of students from China admitted into SMU’s undergraduate, postgraduate and executive programmes.


Thirdly, we want to broaden the engagement between SMU faculty members and their counterparts at leading Chinese universities in joint research and PhD co-supervision. This is part of our strategic goal of developing SMU as an Asian Knowledge Hub. Our emphasis is on generating rigorous, high-impact, cross-disciplinary research that addresses Asian issues of global relevance, SMU is therefore constantly looking for opportunities to deepen the creation and transmission of knowledge by working with like-minded partners, including our counterparts in China. I am sure the unique insights of China generated from this research will be useful to our students, the academia, governments, and businesses.


Our fourth priority is to enhance student exchange programmes and internships in China for SMU students. At SMU, one of the ways we promote multicultural learning is by giving our students global exposure. We believe this will help broaden our students’ view of the world, and develop their cross-cultural knowledge and competencies which are critical in the world we live in. As many of you will already know, our aim is to have 100% of our students experience some form of global exposure. In 2011 to 2012, we registered a 77% participation rate which has since seen an increase to 84% for this year's graduating cohort. At the same time, we have hosted the largest number of international exchange students - 834 students from 168 university partners spanning 43 countries. China, which has a number of leading universities and numerous world-renowned companies, will be invaluable in enhancing our students’ learning experiences and broadening their understanding of the country.


Current Collaborations


To-date, SMU has collaborations with leading Chinese institutions across research, undergraduate programmes, postgraduate programmes, and training & development.


(a) Research


In Research, the six schools at SMU have already published research papers on China and are also collaborating with Chinese universities and corporate partners on specific areas of research. To give you an idea of the varied research work done at SMU, let me give you a few examples. Our School of Accountancy focus its research on corporate governance whilst our Lee Kong Chian School of Business has done a fair bit of research on corporate philanthropy and finance. Our School of Law is undertaking research on the World Trade Organisation and business laws in China; and at the same time, our School of Economics is focusing on innovation, health and labour issues in China. In addition, the School of Information Systems is working on research in social media and big data transfer, while the School of Social Sciences is conducting research on social development and China's international relations.


SMU's School of Social Sciences is working with Fudan University's State Innovative Institute for Public Management and Public Policy Studies to set up a Joint Research Centre on Development Studies. The Centre will conduct research on issues related to social development in China, including rural reforms, land policy, urbanisation, migration and ageing. This is SMU’s first joint research centre with a university in China.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
stellar ['stelə]


adj. 星(状的),和电影明星有关的,主要的,一流的

generate ['dʒenə.reit]


vt. 产生,发生,引起

demographic [.di:mə'græfik]


adj. 人口统计学的

insurance [in'ʃuərəns]


n. 保险,保险费,安全措施

comprehensive [.kɔmpri'hensiv]


adj. 综合的,广泛的,理解的

base [beis]


n. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱

sustain [səs'tein]


vt. 承受,支持,经受,维持,认可

debate [di'beit]


n. 辩论,讨论
vt. 争论,思考

analysis [ə'næləsis]


n. 分析,解析

emergence [i'mə:dʒəns]


n. 出现,浮现,露出





