方维仪(1585—1668),字仲贤,安徽桐城人(今桐城市区凤仪里人)。明末著名女诗人、画家,所作有《清芬阁集》, 又辑历代妇女作品为《宫闺诗史》。其绘画师法宋代李公麟,尤擅长绘释道人物。特别是白描《观音大士图》形神兼备,许多人争相收藏。
方维仪 《独归故阁思母太恭人》
Returning Alone to My Childhood Home
Fang Weiyi
No need to ask about my old hometown,
Arms of war torment it without rest.1
Our family is poor, but no use in planning,
Taxes multiply then add to our grief.
The distant trees and blue mountains are ancient,
Barren fields and white waters autumnal.
In sorrow had I left behind the haven of my parents' care,
I peer out to see them but first my tears flow.
1. The poet is referring here to the peasant uprisings that were common in the early part of the seventeenth century and that led to the fall of the Ming dynasty. In 1635, a group of rebels led by Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, and others, entered Anhui province, first desecrating the ancestral tombs of the Ming emperor in Fengyang and then moving on to the towns of Luzhou (modern-day Hefei) and Anqing. Fang's hometown, Tongcheng, was located between these two towns.
(Paula Varsano 译)