When I was translating for her interviews with English journalists, she spoke at length without stopping for me. When I was trying to give her a signal, she glared at me and scolded: "don't you ever interrupt when I am talking!" When I wasn't sure about a certain point and asked her to clarify for me, she would say, "I've just said it, why didn't you listen to me? Why didn't you write them down?" She knew a few words of English but tried to correct my translation, complaining I didn’t translate this or that. In the course of the interview and in front of the journalist and others, she would suddenly shout at her “servant” (in Chinese) for not filming her properly and I had to explain to the puzzled interviewer that she was talking to the working staff and I wasn’t going to translate....
我为她的英国媒体采访翻译时,她滔滔然而不及时停顿让我翻译。当我欲给其信号让其停顿时,该人对我怒目而视道:不要打断我说话!我若有某处不明向其核实, 她说:我刚说过呀,你为什么不听?为什么不记下来?她会说几句英语,却来纠正我的翻译,说我这个没有给她翻那个没有翻明白。采访进行正中,在记者和其他人 面前,她竟突然用中文对她的中国“佣人”发威,斥其没有好好为她录像。面对一脸困惑的外媒记者,我只好解释说,她在和中国工作人员说话,我就不翻译了……