With the advent of 2010, thousands of bells ringing one after another in 24 times zones of the world, announcing the end of first decade in the new millennium as well as the beginning of a new one. In the opening 10 years for the 21st century, China has maintained a growth of more than 9 percent for the nine straight years and, despite a grave impact of the world financial crisis, the nation was still able to retain an 8-percent annual growth in 2009 during the last year of the past decade.
China played the backbone role to turn the tide, once again drawing the global attention to the Orient. And after more than a year of practice, the broad daylight has shone right ahead eventually. Therefore, human beings, fully capable of overcoming the current difficulties with their collective wisdom, will have bright prospects in the era of new decade.
此次中口汉译英部分的内容选自一篇题为《2010年翩然而至 拥抱下一个“十年”》的发言,出题人在发言稿的基础上稍微进行了一些修改和调整。这一话题看似生疏,其实是对中国在过去10年中取得的成就进行了一个概括。我们在考前串讲的时候反复强调,2008年是改革开放30年纪念,2009年是新中国成立60周年纪念,因此对于中国在过去30年里在政治、经济、科技等领域取得的成就是不容忽视的。