[词汇辅导] 新闻热词:“商业贿赂”英语怎么说
为了依法惩治商业贿赂犯罪,“两高”日前联合下发文件,对商业贿赂犯罪的范围,医药购销、工程建设、政府采购等领域中的商业贿赂进行了认定,提供旅游费,收受银行卡等行为都被纳入商业贿赂的范围。 请看报道:2008-11-28 编辑:qihui 标签:
[词汇辅导] 新闻热词:“卖空”英语怎么说
为防止部分投资机构利用卖空机制操纵股价,美国证交会已出台了紧急措施,限制投资者卖空包括几大银行和两大房贷机构在内的19家金融机构的股票。美国证券交易委员会主席考克斯24日表示,证交会准备将目前针对一考试*2008-11-28 编辑:qihui 标签:
[口译备考资料] 圣诞送礼累人吗(双语)
圣诞送礼真累人Our wallets will not be the only thing suffering as we buy presents this Christmas. The mind and body will also be put under dangerous levels of stress, a study has found.一项研究发现:2008-11-27 编辑:qihui 标签:
[口译备考资料] 美国传统节日感恩节(双语)
Thanksgiving Day is a very important traditional holiday in America. On the fourth Thursday of each November, families and friends gather together for the occasion to celebrate with a traditional tur2008-11-27 编辑:qihui 标签:
[口译备考资料] 感恩节英文祝福短信(双语)
Warm wishes at Thanksgiving. 今天是感恩节,衷心祝福你!From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving. 请接受我们诚挚的祝福:祝你们感恩节快乐!I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.我真的希望2008-11-27 编辑:qihui 标签:
[口译备考资料] 日本:校园暴力数量创历史新高(双语)
Japan school violence hits record high Cases of violence by Japanese school students hit a record high in the past year, with elementary students increasingly violent, the education ministry s2008-11-26 编辑:qihui 标签:
[词汇辅导] 新闻热词:“划定界限”英语怎么说
由于和白宫相互指责,美国国会取消了原定于当地时间20日进行的对汽车行业250亿美元救援计划的表决。这意味着在2009年1月20日奥巴马上台前,汽车巨头们很可能要自谋生路了。 请看报道: The $25 billion res2008-11-26 编辑:qihui 标签:
[口译备考资料] 杨致远英文辞职信
To: all yahoosFr: JerrySubject: updateyahoos -I wanted to address all of you on the news we’ve just announced. The board of directors and I have agreed to initiate a succession process for the ceo r2008-11-25 编辑:qihui 标签:
[口译备考资料] 比尔·盖茨送给年轻一代的11条生活准则(双语)
In Bill Gates' Book for high school and college graduates, there is a list of 11 things they did not learn in school. In his book, Bill Gates talks about how feel good, politically-correct tea...2008-11-25 编辑:qihui 标签:
[口译备考资料] 阅读训练 ——《危机下的玩具产业》
Toy Shopping in Tough Times American consumers may be curbing their discretionary spending, but toy manufacturers are hoping that thrifty shoppers will bargain-hunt and discover that there are aff2008-11-25 编辑:qihui 标签:
[口译备考资料] 察觉说谎的20个基本步骤
1. 一个说谎者通常是不自在的,他们会在你们两人之间设立一道屏障。所以当你们坐在一起时,他会在自己左边或者右边的桌上放一些简单的小东西,例如铅笔之类。1. A liar tends to be uncomfortable and will build a2008-11-23 编辑:qihui 标签:
[口译备考资料] 23个有趣的生活真相
1 Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women.男人被闪电击中的概率比女人高5倍。 2 Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people2008-11-23 编辑:qihui 标签:
[口译备考资料] 阅读训练 ——《日本:金枪鱼危机》
Still hooked: time runs out for Japan's dangerous obsession with the bluefinSunrise is at least an hour away when Atsushi Sasaki steers his fishing boat out of Oma and into the notorious strai...2008-11-22 编辑:qihui 标签:
[口译备考资料] 阅读训练 ——《来者不尽是朋友》
Beware of false friends as fraudsters hack into FacebookIt's not just Barack Obama's campaign team that has learned to use Facebook to great effect. The popular social networking site is ...2008-11-22 编辑:qihui 标签:
[口译备考资料] 阅读训练 ——《掠夺的艺术》
Art of the StealLoot is an ugly word. Derived from Hindi and Sanskrit, it emerged in British India, where it no doubt proved useful in describing some of the more sordid transactions of empire. In th2008-11-22 编辑:qihui 标签:
课程名称 | 课时 | 价格 | 试听 |
【协议】上海口译2014秋季考协议班(中级口译) | 66 | 880 | |
【协议】上海口译2015春季考低起点协议班(中级口译) | 104 | 1080 | |
上海中级口译全程通关班(口试+笔试联报) | 109 | 400 | |
上海中级口译低起点全程通关班(口试+笔试联报) | 104 | 980 | |
【协议】上海口译2014秋季考协议班(高级口译) | 72 | 880 | |
【协议】上海口译2015春季考低起点协议班(高级口译) | 134 | 1280 | |
上海高级口译全程通关班(口试+笔试联报) | 72 | 680 | |
上海高级口译低起点全程通关班(口试+笔试联报) | 134 | 1080 |
王毅在二十国集团外长会第一阶段会议关于“加强多边主义”议题的发言 -
古特雷斯秘书长2022年世界人口日致辞 - 3
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