第1474期: 即便我们身隔甚远,心只在咫尺之间
Life brings joy and pain. The moon shines on through the rain. Though now in person we're parted, I'm never really far. Forever you're in my heart.2022-10-11 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1473期: 查理芒格:只有自己变优秀才能找到优秀的另一半
How do you get a marvelous partner? It's a very simple trick. You deserve a marvelous partner. By the way, it works in marriage too.2022-10-10 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1472期: 人人都是月亮,都有不曾向别人展示的阴暗面
Everyone is a moon who has a dark side, which he never shows to anybody.2022-10-09 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1471期: 社交媒体会让你觉得自己一无是处,人生需要慢慢来
Be patient. Don't rush it. And be careful of the social media because it can really make you feel like you're lagging behind.2022-10-08 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1470期: 永远不要乞求别人来爱你。没用的!
Never beg anybody to love you. It never works.2022-09-30 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1469期: 请回到卡萨布兰卡找我吧!
A kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca. But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh. Please come back to me in Casablanca. I love you more and more each day as time goes by.2022-09-29 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1468期: 百年的智慧与天真不谙世事的碰撞——不要指望别人为你做每件事
What's the secret to living a long life? Being happy, working hard, getting exercise, doing things for yourself, (and) not expecting other people to do everything for you.2022-09-28 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1467期: 当你凝视深渊时, 深渊也在凝视着你
When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you.2022-09-27 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1466期: 是因为你在你的玫瑰上倾注了时间, 才使得她如此重要
It is the time that you've devoted to her that makes your rose so important.2022-09-26 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1465期: 你可以爱一个人, 却仍然选择和Ta说再见
You can love someone and still choose to say goodbye to them. You can miss a person every day and still be glad that they're no longer in your life.2022-09-23 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1464期: 赌我赢吧! 好比我是九十年代的苹果公司
You should bet on me, Like I'm Apple in the 90's. You should bet on me. Gonna wanna get behind me like I'm 23.2022-09-22 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1463期: 心理学家谈阅读: 书籍给人带来的深入思考, 是任何其他媒介都无法带来的
A book enables you to think and rethink. You can go deeper in a book than you can in any other media.2022-09-21 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1462期: 女孩得多见见世面, 才能决定想要的生活
Girls have to go into the world and make up their own minds about things.2022-09-20 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1461期: 并不是人人都能功成名就, 生命的意义藏在生活的点滴之中
Not everyone will accomplish something great. Some of us may just have to find meaning in the little moments that make up life.2022-09-19 编辑:Villa 标签:
第1460期: 百岁奶奶的长寿秘诀: 永远对自己的人生负责
Never run away from work, whether it's intellectual, physical, or emotional.2022-09-16 编辑:Villa 标签:
第976期:生活实用对话 到底要不要结婚?!
A: Man, I'm freaking out. You go -
第977期:生活实用对话 装修房子Decor
Can you hold the end of this tape me - 3