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中级美国英语 Lesson 32: 虚词it的用法[二]

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听了上面的句子,你或许已经注意到 it 的用法,比方 "是作练习的时候了." 这句 话英文可以这样说: It's time to do the exercises. 再举一个例子,"是他们卖房子 的时候了", 或是 "他们该卖房子了" 这句英文可以这样说: It's time for them to sell their house.

现在我们作一组练习, 学学这种说法, 练习的内容都跟凯特的父母应该退休有 关系, 比方他们搬到暖和一点的地方去享受老年生活等等. 练习的作法是老师 先念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 比方 "退休" retire,"找房地产代理人"find a real estate agent, "搬到热带地区" move to a tropical area 等等, 学生就把他听 到的词组代换到原来的句子里.在学生作练习的时候, 请你也一起作.

M: It's time for them to enjoy life.

M: relax

F: It's time for them to relax.

M: retire

F: It's time for them to retire.

M: pay off the mortgage

F: It's time for them to pay off the mortgage.

M: sell their house

F: It's time for them to sell their house.

M: find a real estate agent

F: It's time for them to find a real estate agent.

M: move away from New Jersey

F: It's time for them to move away from New Jersey.

M: move to a tropical area

F: It's time for them to move to a tropical area.

M: move to a warmer region

F: It's time for them to move to a warmer region.

M: buy a condominium in Florida

F: It's time for them to buy a condominium in Florida.


现在我们学习 It's about time 的用法. 这句话可以用来表示某件事总算发生了, 比方你等人等了半天, 这个人终于来了, 你就说: It's about time. 意思就是 "你 总算来了!" 有的时候 It's about time. 也有催促人快点作某件事的意思, 比方 你的朋友忙了半天, 一直没时间吃饭, 你就说 It's about time that you eat. 意 思就是 "你也该吃饭了." 现在我们作一组练习, 学习用 It's about time. 催促别人作某件事情. 练习的内 容都跟凯特的父母有关系的. 练习的作法是老师用刚才学过的句型提出一个 问题, 比方 Is it time for them to move? 你就肯定的回答说: Yes, it's about time that they move. 现在我们开始作练习. 练习里的词汇都是我们刚才学过的.每 作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Is it time for them to enjoy life?

F: Yes, it's about time that they enjoy life.

M: Is it time for them to relax?

F: Yes, it's about time that they relax.

M: Is it time for them to retire?

F: Yes, it's about time that they retire.

M: Is it time for them to pay off the mortgage?

F: Yes, it's about time that they pay off the mortgage.

M: Is it time for them to sell their house?

F: Yes, it's about time that they sell their house.

M: Is it time for them to find a real estate agent?

F: Yes, it's about time that they find a real estate agent.

M: Is it time for them to move away from New Jersey?

F: Yes, it's about time that they move away from New Jersey.

M: Is it time for them to move to a tropical area?

F: Yes, it's about time that they move to a tropical area.

M: Is it time for them to move to a warmer region?

F: Yes, it's about time that they move to a warmer region.

M: Is it time for them to buy a condominium in Florida?

F: Yes, it's about time that they buy a condominium in Florida.


下面我们学习用 It takes time 加上 to 再加上动词词组来表示作某件事情需要 时间. 比方 "适应新环境需要时间." 这句话英文可以这样说: It takes time to adapt to the new environment.

现在我们作一组代换练习, 学学这种说法, 练习的内容是说到凯特的父母搬到 南部去之后需要花时间作的事情, 比方适应新的生活方式, 熟悉新社区等等.

在这组练习里你还可以学到一些有用的词, 比方 "重新安顿下来" resettle, "老 年人俱乐部" the senior citizens club. "气候" climate 等等. 现在我们开始作代 换练习,每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: It takes time to adapt to the new environment.

M: resettle

F: It takes time to resettle.

M: become familiar with local community

F: It takes time to become familiar with the local community.

M: join the senior citizens' club

F: It takes time to join the senior citizens' club.

M: get used to a different climate

F: It takes time to get used to a different climate.

M: adapt to the new life style

F: It takes time to adapt to the new life style.

下面我们换一个方式作练习. 这次老师提出问题, 比方 "他们花了多少时间才 重新安顿下来?" How much time did it take for them to resettle? 接着老师说:

"一段时间" a period of time, 你就肯定的回答说: "他们花了一段时间才重新安 顿下来." It took them a period of time to resettle. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完 一句, 就请你听老师念正确答案.

关键字: 语法




