第七节:生活新气象 —— 网络
★★★★★ 五星级•大学英语专业本科级•外交家级
American Homeless People Using Internet
[1] Thousands of homeless people in San Francisco and throughout the United States are using the Internet to fight their way back『反击;回击』 into society’s mainstream『主流』.
[1] 旧金山及全美国成千上万无家可归的人正使用互联网力图回到主流社会。
[2] “The Internet is a godsend,” Anitra Freeman, 48, said in an e-mail message. Suffering from manic『躁狂的』depression, Freeman lived on the streets for four months after she lost her programming job at Boeing. Now she is an activist for homeless people in Seattle, Washington.
[3] Libraries and groups that help the homeless now offer Internet access, and the San Francisco public library makes available a list of these sites around the city.
[3] 一些图书馆和帮助流浪汉的组织向流浪汉们提供了上网地点,旧金山国立图书馆在全市设置了一系列上网点。
[4] At age 50, Matthew has spent half his life on the streets, and for the past three years he has lived on a meager『贫乏的;不足的』 government check. Now he haunts『常到;常去(某地)』 the San Francisco library his eyes riveted『集中(目光,注意力)』on the computer screen. “It’s the first time in my life that I feel I could belong somewhere. It is less intimidating『恐吓的;威胁的』to be on the Internet than to meet people face-to-face,” he said.
[4] 50岁的马修半生都是在街上度过的,过去三年靠不多的政府救助券生活。现在他常去旧金山图书馆,眼睛盯在计算机的荧光屏上。“这是我有生第一次觉得我属于某个地方。在互联网上比与人面对面受到的恐吓要小多了,”他说。
[5] “The Internet helped me find out what’s available for young homeless people,” said Monet Penikila, 20. “I see a future for myself now. I use the Internet for job-hunting and to build my homepage『主页』so that I can publish my poems.”
fight back
* After a disastrous first half the team fought back to win.
* Don’t let them bully you. Fight back!
* My mother taught me the only way to win an argument is not to fight back.
* He always haunts the computer room, and learns all he can.
* This is one of the coffee shops I used to haunt.
* I was absolutely riveted by her story.
* His attention was riveted on the TV.