李阳疯狂英语脱口而出MP3实战篇之疯狂奉献篇 第一节:教你一招
—— 如何结束谈话!
★ ★★ 三星级•高中生级•国际公民级
【Kim’s Note】This is a serious problem among Asian English learners. Even people with outstanding English seem to have a hard time with this skill. I think the culture difference has something to do with it. In any case, these endings are much better then abruptly saying “OK. I go now.” Making a graceful exit will ensure that you are remembered long after you leave!
How to End A Conversation
1.师生之间 (between teacher and student):
A: Thank you for your time, Ms. Lee. I enjoyed speaking with you.
B: You’re welcome, Stone, any time.
2.商友之间 (between businessmen):
A: Well, you’re a busy man, Mr. Smith. I’ll let you get back to work.
B: Thanks for dropping by『顺便拜访』.
【Kim’s Note】It’s always a good idea to assume someone is busy and acknowledge that they need to get back to work. When a person knows that you respect his time, he is more willing to share it with you.
3.家庭主妇间 (between housewives):
A: Sue, I’d love to talk longer but I’ve got to pick up『拾起』 my son from school. Give me a call later, okay?
B: Sure, I’ll talk to you later.
4.朋友之间 (between friends):
A: It’s been good talking to you, Sam. I’m sorry, but I have to meet someone in 10 minutes.
B: Well, I’d better let you go. See you later. I wish we had more time to talk.
5.网友之间 (between online chatters):
A: I’m sorry, but I’ve got to make a phone call. Can I get back with you later?
(对不起,我要打个电话,稍后再聊好吗?)[ ——下线打个电话。]
B: Sure. No problem.
drop by
* I'd like to drop by and see you sometime next week.
pick up
* We’ll pick up where we finished yesterday.