Nothing to see here. 没什么好看的。
Have you never done this before? 你以前没做过这个吗?
Where did you grow up? 你是在哪里长大的?
How did that happen? 怎么会这样?
I suddenly had the feeling that I was falling. 我突然间感到一阵晕眩。
You know what I miss the most about her? 你知道我最想念她什么吗?
I never really noticed. 我从未注意过。
I don't think we should go out anymore. 我想我们不该继续交往下去了。
How inappropriate this is. 这太不像话了。
This is sick. / It's disgusting. 太恶心了。
What were you thinking? 你到底在想什么?
We're different. 我们是不同类型的人。
I hit her in the eye! 我打中了她的眼睛。
How many glasses have you had? 你喝了多少杯了?
Wait here. 在这里等一下。
I'm sorry, maybe I wasn't being clear. 不好意思,也许我当时没说清楚。
I saw it first. 我先看到的。
Are you sure you're ok? 你确定你没事?
I'm gonna do this. 我也准备这样做。
He needs some time to grieve. 他需要一些时间疗伤。