I like it a lot.
It fits well.
I like the color.
She looks good in blue.
●say something that is clearly true:说某事显然无误
We must've bought the right size.
●say someone has changed for the better:说某人大有改善
Michelle has been a different kid since we've been married.
●express contentment:表示心满意足
I've never been happier.
We could't ask for anything more, could we?
●express regret:表示遗憾
We should've bought a bigger one.
●be positive about a difficult challehge:乐观迎接挑战
…we'll make it work for us.
●say a situation is complicated:说情况复杂
There's a lot to think about.
●say you have a hard decision to make:表示很难作出决定
It's a leal dilemma.
●persuade someone to accept an offer:劝别人接受提议
It's a once-in-a-lifetime offer.
It's a great opportunity for you.
It's the perfect job for you.
●introduce an honest statement:引出肺腑之言
Can I tell you what I think?
I'm not going to kid you.
●say someone else must decide:说别人应作决定
It's something only you and Harry can work out.
●offer advice:提出忠告
In every marriage, sacritices have to be made…from time to time.
●say you shouldn't wait before doing something:说对方不要再等待
No point in delaying.
●give someone a deadline:向人提出期限
Let me know by the end of the week.
●refuse to rush a decision:拒绝匆促决定
There's so much more to consider.
●defend yourself for feeling or acting a certain way:为自己的行为或感觉辩护
How should I feel?
I feel fine. Why shouldn't?